DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration: GetDLabDir(DirIx: TDLabDir): string;
Returns the DataLab system directories. The parameter DirIx controls which directory is returned. An invalid DirIx parameter returns an empty string. Currently the following directories are defined:
ddHome the home directory (the folder where DataLab is installed)
ddWork the working directory; this is the default directory for storing data
ddScratch The scratch directory; please keep in mind that files written into this directory will be automatically deleted upon closing DataLab
ddScript The script folder (contains all scripts and import filters). Please note that the script folder may contain subdirectories with additional scripts extracted from installed script packages.
ddColorPal The color palette directory
ddSysTemp Returns the path to the system-managed temporary directory. Files saved here may be deleted between application sessions or system restarts. On Windows Vista or higher it returns the path C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Local\Temp