Declaration: |
ReadHeaderOfASC (FName: string; var Comment: string; var NFeat, NObj: integer; var ClInf, NamFeat, NamObj, NominalVars: boolean): integer; |
The function ReadHeaderOfASC retrieves the header information of an ASC-formatted data file. The parameter FName defines the name of the file to be read. On return the function delivers an error code and the following header information:
Comment |
comment line of the header |
NFeat |
number of features (variables, columns) |
NObj |
number of objects (rows) |
ClInf |
TRUE if class info is included |
NamFeat |
TRUE if variable names are included |
NamObj |
TRUE if object names are included |
NominalVars |
TRUE if at least one of the variables uses a scale type other than stInterval |
List of errors:
0 |
no error |
-1 |
error in specification of number of features |
-2 |
error in specification of number of objects |
-3 |
error in ClInf/NamFeat/NamObj/NominalVars flags |
-4 |
file stored probably in UNIX format |