DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration:TVector.SaveToStream (var OutStream: TMemoryStream; LowElem, HighElem: integer);
The procedure SaveToStream appends the values of the vector elements to the stream OutStream. OutStream may be set to nil in which case a new memory stream is created. The parameters LowElem and HighElem define the range of the vector elements to be stored on the file.

Example: The statement Vec.SaveToStream (MyStream, 2,10 ); creates the stream MyStream (if MyStream is nil) and stores all elements from two to ten in the stream.

Hint 1: The internal formats of the streams created by TVector and TIntVector are different. Thus a TIntVector cannot load a vector stored my TVector and vice versa.

Hint 2: Setting both LowElem and HighElem) to zero values forces the method to use all elements of the vector.