DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

Editor Key Mapping

In addition to the standard Windows key mapping, the editor supports a special key mapping which can be activated via the preferences dialog. This key mapping is a subset of the classic "WordStar" keymapping and allows to navigate through the code without using the mouse. Here is a list of shortcuts and their respective actions:

Key Action
F1 context sensitive help: select a keyword, a function name or a type declaration and press F1 to display the corresponding help page
Ctrl+F2 stop the debugging of a script
F4 normal editing mode: copy the selected text to the clipboard
debug mode: run the program until the current cursor position is met
F5, Ctrl+KT cut the selected text and copy it to the clipboard
F6, Ctrl+KC paste from the clipboard
F7 step into a subroutine during debugging
Ctrl+F7 add the identifier at the current cursor position to the variable inspector
F8 step through code during debugging (without tracing into subroutines)
Ctrl+F8 set/reset a breakpoint at the current cursor position
F9 normal editing mode: compile and run the script
debug mode: continue running the script until the next breakpoint
Enter key insert a line break at the cursor, the cursor moves to the beginning of the new line
Alt+Backspace undo the last actions
Ctrl+A move the cursor back to the beginning of the current/previous word
Ctrl+C, PgDwn scroll down one page
Ctrl+D, Arrow right move the cursor one character to the right
Ctrl+E, Arrow up move the cursor one line up
Ctrl+F move the cursor forward to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl+G, Delete key delete the character at the right of the cursor
Ctrl+H, Backspace delete the character at the left of the cursor
Ctrl+I insert a smart tab (i.e. shift all characters right of the cursor to the next tab stop)
Ctrl+J invokes the code proposal tool (for details, see above)
Ctrl+K0..Ctrl+K9 set a bookmark at the current cursor position (bookmarks 0 to 9)
Ctrl+KI indent the current selection by one character
Ctrl+KU unindent the current selection by one character
Ctrl+L find next occurrence of search text
Ctrl+M displays the parameter completion tool (if appropriate)
Ctrl+N insert a line at the position of the cursor
Ctrl+Q0..Ctrl+Q9 jump to a bookmark (bookmarks 0 to 9)
Ctrl+QA enter new search and replace terms; press <ENTER> to start the search and replace process
Ctrl+QC move the cursor to the end of the scipt
Ctrl+QE move the cursor to the top of the page
Ctrl+QF enter a new search term; press <ENTER> to start the search and Ctrl+L to continue with the search
Ctrl+QD move the cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl+QR move the cursor to the beginning of the script
Ctrl+QS move the cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl+QX move the cursor to the bottom of the page
Ctrl+R, PgUp scroll up one page
Ctrl+S, Arrow left move the cursor one character left
Ctrl+T delete the text from the cursor to the next non+blank character
Ctrl+V toggle the insert/overwrite mode
Ctrl+W, Ctrl+Arrow up scroll the page one line up
Ctrl+X, Arrow down move the cursor one line down
Ctrl+Y delete the line of the cursor
Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Arrow down scroll the page one line down