DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration:TCurveFit.CalcLinFit (var k, d, FitQual: Double);
The procedure CalcLinFit estimates the best fit of a straight line to a sample of two-dimensional data points using linear regression. The line is defined by the equation

y = kx + d.

The data points have to be entered by using the procedure EnterStatValue. A minimum number of 2 values is required in order to apply CalcLinFit. Do not forget to reset the statistics calculation before entering any new datasets (use Init)

The procedure CalcLinFit returns the following parameters: k and d define the slope and the offset of the line, and FitQual returns the goodness of fit of the regression. FitQual equals the square of the correlation coefficient. A good representation of the data samples yields a value near to 1.0 for FitQual.

Hint: The quality of fit calculated by CalcLinFit is not adjusted for the degree of freedoms in the regression parameters.