DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

Class TFeatMatProps

  TFeatMatProps = class (TComponent)
        FFeatNum      : integer;    // assigned number of feature
        FFeatName     : string;     // name of feature
        FFeatKind     : TFeatKind;  // kind of feature (integer, string, ...)
        FComment      : string;     // any comment
        FPresetValues : string;     // preset values
        FSorted       : boolean;    // TRUE: show feature options as sorted list
        FGUIElem      : pointer;    // pointer to associated GUI element
        procedure AssignTo (Dest: TPersistent);
        constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
        destructor  Destroy; override;
        procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
        procedure Clear;
        property FeatNum: integer read FFeatNum write FFeatNum;
        property FeatName: string read FFeatName write FFeatName;
        property FeatKind: TFeatKind read FFeatKind write FFeatKind;
        property Comment: string read FComment write FComment;
        property PresetValues: string read FPresetValues write FPresetValues;
        property Sorted: boolean read FSorted write FSorted;
        property GUIElem: pointer read FGUIElem write FGUIElem;
This class declaration defines the fields of the column properties of a feature matrix. For details please see the FeatProps documentation.