DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration: LoadDlabFile (FName: string; var FileVersion: integer; ForceLoadingFutureVersion: boolean): integer;
The function LoadDlabFile opens and loads the data file (file extension .idt) specified by FName. The variable parameter FileVersion returns the version number of the file (i.e. the version number of the DataLab copy which has been used to save the file). The parameter ForceLoadingFutureVersion controls whether the file should be loaded in the case the FileVersion is greater than the DataLab version number.(1)

The function returns the following error codes:

 0 ... data successfully loaded
-1 ... file not found
-2 ... the file is not an .IDT file (invalid format)
-3 ... the version of the file is newer than your DataLab copy (set ForceLoadingFutureVersion to TRUE in order to load it anyway)

(1) The DataLab version number, which is displayed as a floating point number with three decimal places, is internally stored as an integer number which is calculated by multiplying the actual version number by 1000.