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Declaration: TMat4D.CopyTimeSlotToArray (var DestMat: TDouble3DArray; LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow, LowLay, HighLay, TimeSlot: integer): integer;
The function CopyTimeSlotToArray copies the data contained in time slot TimeSlot into the 3D array DestMat. The range of the data to be copied has to be specified in the parameters LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow, LowLay and HighLay. DestMat is automatically resized to fit the specified parameters. Hint: Setting both the low and the high parameters of a particular dimension (for example, LowRow and HighRow) to a zero value selects the entire column, row, or layer, respectively.

The function returns the following error codes:

 0 ... everything is OK
-1 ... TimeSlot is out of range