Declaration: |
TMatrix.SkewKurtSample (LowCol, LowRow, HighCol, HighRow: integer; var Skewness, Kurtosis: double); |
The method SkewKurtSample calculates the skewness and the kurtosis of all matrix elements within a specific area, assuming the data being a sample. The range of the matrix elements to be used is determined by the parameters LowRow, LowCol, HighRow, and HighCol. If any of these parameters receives an invalid value, this value is automatically adjusted to nearest border value (either 1 or NrOfColumns /NrOfRows ). The variable parameters Skewness and Kurtosis return the skewness and the kurtosis of the selected data.
Hint 1: |
The method SkewKurtSample requires at least four matrix elements, otherwise zero values are returned in the parameters Skewness and Kurtosis. |
Hint 2: |
Setting both the low and high parameter of a dimension (i.e. LowCol and HighCol) to zero values forces the method to use all elements of that dimension. |
Example: |
The statement Mat1.SkewKurt (3,2,12,20,Sk,Ku); calculates the skewness and the kurtosis of all matrix elements with the indices [3,2] to [12,20], and returns these values in the variables Sk and Ku.