DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration: TRndForest.TrnDataX: TDataTable;
The property TrnDataX provides access to the descriptors of the training dataset.

Hint: Please note that the size of the training data should not be changed by directly setting TrnDataX.NrOfRows or TrnDataX.NrOfColumns. This would only change the X block (the descriptors) of the training data but not the TrnDataY, nor the required internal auxiliary variables. Use the method ResizeTrnData instead.

The same is true for implicit size changes of the X block by means of ImportCSVFile, Clone, InsertColumn, or similar routines. If you load the X block from an external file, you have to adjust the size of the connected variables by calling ResizeTrnData after loading the X block.