DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration: Rot3DGui (Left, Top, Width, Height: integer; AttachedForm: boolean): integer;
Starts the graphical user interface of the 3D rotation tool. The parameters Left and Top specify the screen coordinates of the top left corner, the parameters Width and Height specify the width and the height of the window (in pixels). If AttachedForm is TRUE then the window is part of the MDI interface, else it is an independent window which can be moved ouside the DataLab application.

Example: The following tiny program shows how to use the 3D rotation tool. It fills the data table RotaData with some artificial data occupying three spherical clusters, sets several parameters of the 3D rotation tool and finally starts the automatic rotation:
program Rot3DTest;

  NVARS = 5;
  NOBJS = 200;

  i,j   : integer;

Rot3DGui (100,100,1200,700,false);
     // create some nonsense data and fill the RotaData table
FrmRot3D.RotaData.Resize (NVARS,NOBJS);
for i:=1 to NOBJS do
  FrmRot3D.RotaData.RowAttrib[i] := 1+(i mod NCLASSES); // classes
  for j:=1 to NVARS do
    FrmRot3D.RotaData.Elem[j,i] := (i mod 2)+       // data points
                                   (i mod NCLASSES)+
                                   NRand (0.50);
SetClassColor (4,$A77AA7);         // adjust color of class 4
FrmRot3D.VarList := [3,2,4];       // indices of displayed columns
FrmRot3D.UseClassColors := true;
FrmRot3D.IsometricAxes := true;
FrmRot3D.Magnification := 1.2;
FrmRot3D.RotaData.ColName[3] := 'Var 3'; // change a variable name
FrmRot3D.SymbolIndex := 14;
FrmRot3D.BoundBoxSize := 900;
FrmRot3D.BoundBoxStyle := bbFaces;
FrmRot3D.MouseAction := maRotate;
FrmRot3D.AutoRotate (true, false, 4,5);     // start auto rotation