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Home Features of DataLab Tools Creating Indicator Variables | ||||||
See also: CreateIndicatorVars
Creating Indicator Variables
In some situations, e.g. when classfying objects, it is helpful and meaningful to describe various states of a system not by a single (multi-level) variable, but by several binary indicator variables, which are 1 when a particular level occurs and 0 otherwise. The command Tools/Create Indicator Variables... allows to split one or several categorical variables into a set of binary indicator variables. The resulting indicator variables are appended to the data matrix.
The variables which can be split into indicator variables show a tick box left to the variable name; all other variables cannot be converted to indicator variables. In order to create the indicator variables you have to click the button "Create Variables". In the case you make a mistake the dataset can be reverted to its original state by clicking the "oops" button.