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Apply a Random Forest Model

Command: Math -> Random Forest -> Apply Model...

The command Math/Random Forest/Apply Model... allows to apply a previously calculated and stored random forest model to another dataset. After loading the model the most important model parameters are displayed:

In the case the model is a classifier you have the option to create the either the raw estimated values or the binary decision results by clicking the option "store binary results".

Hint: If one of the independent variables of the model is selected as the target column (option "store in data matrix"), the model cannot be applied a second time since the basis of the model will be destroyed. It is therefore recommended to append the results of a model as an extra column (option "append results to matrix") or to store the results in the matrix clipboard.

How To:
  1. Load the model
  2. Select where the results should be stored
  3. In the case of a classification model you can optionally decided to create the binary results
  4. Click the "Apply Model" button.