DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration: TPlotParams.KindOfDisp: TKindOfDisp;

Please note that changes of the plot parameters won't have any effect until you call the method Refresh of the plot window.
kdColIdx Col/Idx plot the data of a single column of the data matrix against the row index.
kdRowIdx Row/idx plot the data of a single row of the data matrix against the column index.
kdColCol Col/Col plot the values of two columns against each other.
kdRowRow Row/Row plot the values of two rows against each other.
kdHisto Histogram display a histogram of selected parts of the data
kdCumuFq Cumul.Frequ. calculate and plot the cumulative frequency distribution of selected parts of the data matrix.
kdNProbPlt Norm.Prob.Plt. creates a normal probability plot.
kdPareto Pareto Chart creates a Pareto chart.