DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration: ShowAriadne (Alignment: TAlign; WidHgt: integer; HTMLCode: string): integer;
The function ShowAriadne displays a text using the Ariadne help page. The parameter Alignment controls the aligning of the Ariadne window (supported values: alBottom, alTop, alRight and alLeft). The parameter WidHgt determines the width or the height of the window (depending on the aligning mode). The HTMLCode contains a simple HTML text without the meta statements (just the body of an HTML document without the <body> tag).

Please note that the Ariadne window can display images as well (supported image types: PNG, BMP and JPG). By default, it is assumed that the images to be displayed are stored in the Home Directory of DataLab. However, you can use any directory path on a harddisk by fully specifying its path.

Example: The following code snippet displays a simple text and an image in the Ariadne window as shown in the figure below:
ShowAriadne (alRight, 500,
             '<H1>Welcome to DataLab!</H1>'+
             'This is a test showing the DataLab logo:<p>'+
             '<img width=100% src="dlablogo.bmp">');