DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

DLabPascal - Predefined Constants

The following constants are defined as return values of the MessageDlg function:

mrNone0no response
mrOk1user clicked the "OK" button
mrCancel2"cancel" button
mrAbort3"abort" button
mrRetry4"retry" button
mrIgnore5"ignore" button
mrYes6"yes" button
mrNo7"no" button
mrClose8"close" button
mrAll12"all" button
mrYesToAll13"yes to all" button
mrNoToAll14"no to all" button


DLabPascal provides a collection of often needed mathematical constants:(1)

uc_e2.718281828459045235360Euler's number e
uc_lg20.301029995663981195214common logarithm of 2
uc_lg50.698970004336018804803common logarithm of 5
uc_lge0.434294481903251827651common logarithm of e
uc_lgPi0.497149872694133854351common logarithm of Pi
uc_ln102.302585092994045684018natural logarithm of 10
uc_ln20.693147180559945309417natural logarithm of 2
uc_lnPi1.144729885849400174143natural logarithm of Pi
uc_PiH1.570796326794896619231Pi/2 (1)
uc_sqrt21.414213562373095048802square root of 2
uc_sqrt2pi2.506628274631000502416square root of 2*Pi
uc_sqrt2pitom10.39894228040143267793991/(square root of 2*Pi)
uc_MaxSingle3.4e38maximum single number
uc_MaxDouble1.7e308maximum double number
uc_MaxExtended1.1e4932maximum extended number
uc_MinSingle1.5e-45minimum single number
uc_MinDouble5.0e-324minimum double number
uc_MinExtended3.6e-4951minimum extended number

The following constants are system-wide constants of DataLab:

MAXCLASSES127max. number of supported classes
MAXNOMINALIDS150max. number of supported nominal identifiers in TDataTable
MAXPOLFITORDER10max. order of polynomial fit in CalcPolyFit and CalcCenteredPolyFit


(1) Please note that for syntactical reasons the numerical value of p (pi = 3.14159...) is not defined as a constant ("uc_pi") but as a function (pi).