DLabPascal - Predefined Constants
The following constants are defined as return values of the MessageDlg function:
Identifier | Value | Description |
mrNone | 0 | no response |
mrOk | 1 | user clicked the "OK" button |
mrCancel | 2 | "cancel" button |
mrAbort | 3 | "abort" button |
mrRetry | 4 | "retry" button |
mrIgnore | 5 | "ignore" button |
mrYes | 6 | "yes" button |
mrNo | 7 | "no" button |
mrClose | 8 | "close" button |
mrAll | 12 | "all" button |
mrYesToAll | 13 | "yes to all" button |
mrNoToAll | 14 | "no to all" button |
DLabPascal provides a collection of often needed mathematical constants:(1)
Identifier | Value | Description |
uc_e | 2.718281828459045235360 | Euler's number e |
uc_etom1 | 0.367879441171442321596 | 1/e |
uc_lg2 | 0.301029995663981195214 | common logarithm of 2 |
uc_lg5 | 0.698970004336018804803 | common logarithm of 5 |
uc_lge | 0.434294481903251827651 | common logarithm of e |
uc_lgPi | 0.497149872694133854351 | common logarithm of Pi |
uc_ln10 | 2.302585092994045684018 | natural logarithm of 10 |
uc_ln2 | 0.693147180559945309417 | natural logarithm of 2 |
uc_lnPi | 1.144729885849400174143 | natural logarithm of Pi |
uc_PiH | 1.570796326794896619231 | Pi/2 (1) |
uc_PiSqr | 9.869604401089358618834 | Pi*Pi |
uc_Pitom1 | 0.318309886183790671538 | 1/Pi |
uc_sqrt2 | 1.414213562373095048802 | square root of 2 |
uc_sqrt2pi | 2.506628274631000502416 | square root of 2*Pi |
uc_sqrt2pitom1 | 0.3989422804014326779399 | 1/(square root of 2*Pi) |
uc_MaxSingle | 3.4e38 | maximum single number |
uc_MaxDouble | 1.7e308 | maximum double number |
uc_MaxExtended | 1.1e4932 | maximum extended number |
uc_MinSingle | 1.5e-45 | minimum single number |
uc_MinDouble | 5.0e-324 | minimum double number |
uc_MinExtended | 3.6e-4951 | minimum extended number |
The following constants are system-wide constants of DataLab:
Identifier | Value | Description |
MAXCLASSES | 127 | max. number of supported classes |
MAXNOMINALIDS | 150 | max. number of supported nominal identifiers in TDataTable |
MAXPOLFITORDER | 10 | max. order of polynomial fit in CalcPolyFit and CalcCenteredPolyFit |