DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

DLabPascal - Global Variables

DLabPascal provides a few public variables which are globally available throughout a script and which need not to be declared by the user (they are automatically declared by DLabPascal and are initialized during program startup):

Application TApplication Provides access to the DataLab process on an operating system label. Be careful to use it because accessing the Application instance might cause unexpected and potentially dangerous results.
ChartBook TChartBook Provides access to the DataLab Chartbook which is tool to display x-y plots along with data tables and unformatted text.
DStore TDataTable Provides access to the data table of DataLab. See DStore for details.
FrmMLR TFrmMLR Gives access to the form hosting the multiple linear regression.
FrmPCA TFrmPCA Gives access to the form hosting the principal component analysis.
FrmPLS TFrmPLS Gives access to the form hosting the partial least squares tool.
FrmRot3D TFrmRot3D Gives access to the 3D rotation tool.
MatClipBd TMatClipBd Provides access to the DataLab matrix clipboard.
MatStack T2DArrayStack Universally usable matrix stack.
MMOutPut TMemo Provides access to the output panel at the bottom right of the Script Editor.