DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration: ChartBook.Charts[].MarkAt (x,y: double; mk: byte);
The method MarkAt displays a symbol at the position [x,y] using the color DataColor. The shape of the symbol is defined by the parameter mk:

If the parameter mk is greater than 51, a character corresponding to its ASCII code is displayed instead of a symbol. Digits can be drawn by setting mk to the codes 200..209 (200 = '0', 209 = '9').

Hint 1: Please note that some of the symbols are displayed by using pixel graphics. These symbols may be displayed in an unfavorable way (only tiny dots, or several thin lines) when using WMF for large printouts, i.e. for high resolution printers. The following symbols are affected:
    18  large shaded block
    25  large bold cross