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Declaration: TRndForest.Report: TRFReport;
The readonly property Report returns various error and reliability measures of the model. The Report record contains the following charateristic parameters:

RelClsError Training Set - Relative classification error (percent of incorrectly classified cases)
AvgCE Training Set - Average cross-entropy (in bits per element)
RMSError Training Set - root mean square error when estimating posterior probabilities
AvgError Training Set - Average error when estimating posterior probabilities
AvgRelError Training Set - Average relative error when estimating posterior probability of belonging to the correct class
OOBRelClsError OOB Test - Relative classification error (percent of incorrectly classified cases)
OOBAvgCE OOB Test - Average cross-entropy (in bits per element)
OOBRMSError OOB Test - root mean square error when estimating posterior probabilities
OOBAvgError OOB Test - Average error when estimating posterior probabilities
OOBAvgRelError OOB Test - Average relative error when estimating posterior probability of belonging to the correct class

Hint: Please note that due to compiler restrictions you cannot access the fields of the report property directly. Thus instead of directly accessing a report field, like
err := RF.Report.OOBRMSError;
you have to copy the report to an auxiliary variable and use this auxiliary variable to access the fields of the report:
  auxrep : TRFReport;
auxrep := RF.Report;
err := auxrep.OOBRMSError;