Declaration |
Explanation & Details |
TNameStrType = string[50]; |
Defines string type used for column headers. |
TNormType = (ntColwise, ntRowwise, ntSpectral, ntFrobenius); |
The type declaration TNormType declares the various types of matrix norms supported by TMatrix:
ntColwise |
largest column sum (the "1-norm") |
ntRowwise |
largest row sum (the "infinity norm") |
ntSpectral |
the largest singular value of the matrix |
ntFrobenius |
the Frobenius norm (also known as Euclidean norm) |
TNotifyEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject); |
Indicates the occurrence of an event.
TOnCalcDistanceEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Row1, Row2: integer; var Distance: double) of object; |
Declares the event type triggered when calculating distances in multivariate spaces. |
TOnPercentDoneEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; PercentDone: integer; |
Is used to indicate the progress of a time-consuming process. The parameter PercentDone contains a number between 0 and 100 which corresponds to the state of the process. |
TSortExchgEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ExchgWhat: byte; index1, index2, first, last: longint); |
Event triggered by the sorting process |
TOrientation = (orVert, orHoriz); |
Defines the two orientations or axes (vertical and horizontal). |
TPeakParamsList = array of TGaussPeakParams; |
Declares the list of peak parameters used by the function CreateGaussianPeaks. |
TPoint = record
X: integer;
Y: integer;
end; |
A point defined by integer coordinates |
TPDblArray = array of TPointDouble; |
Array of points (used for polygons in the world coordinate system) |
TPlotMode = (pmSurface, pmIsoLines, pmSurfIso); |
Defines the style of the graphics used to create artificial contour plots (currently not used in DataLab, just declared for compatibility reasons). |
TPointDouble = record
X: double;
Y: double;
end; |
Declares a point using double coordinates. |
TPreDefColPals = (cpRainbow, cpBW,cpCycRainbow, cpGeo, cpHighContrast, cpBipolar, cpFringes, cpBWThreshold, cpClassColors, cpMorgenStemning); |
Defines the predefined color palettes. |
TRect = record
Left: Integer;
Top: Integer;
Right: Integer;
Bottom: Integer;
Defines the edges of a rectangle. |
TRegModel = (rmNone, rmLinear, rmParabolic, rmGaussian, rmReciLin, rmHyperbolic, rmReciHyperbolic, rmLog, rmReciLog, rmPower, rmExpo, rmHoerl, rmCircle, rmPolynomial, rmCenteredPoly); |
Defines the various regression models which are supported by TCurveFit. |
TRegRootKey = (hkeyClassesRoot, hkeyCurrentUser, hkeyLocalMachine, hkeyUsers, hkeyPerformanceData, hkeyCurrentConfig, hkeyDynData); |
Defines the root keys for accessing the Windows registry. |
TRescaleMode = (sctMeanCenter, sctStandardize, sctConstSum, sctConstSquaredSum, sctMaxAbs, sctRange, sctQNormalize, sctSquash, sctUndefined); |
Defines the available scaling mode (see RescaleVector and RescaleMatrix for more). |
TRFReport = record
RelClsError : Double;
AvgCE : Double;
RMSError : Double;
AvgError : Double;
AvgRelError : Double;
OOBRelClsError : Double;
OOBAvgCE : Double;
OOBRMSError : Double;
OOBAvgError : Double;
OOBAvgRelError : Double;
Defines the error measures of a random forest model. See TRndForest.Report for details. |