DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

Randomisation of the Data

Command: Tools -> Randomisation...

DataLab provides a command to shuffle the data. The user can choose whether to exchange the columns or the rows of the data matrix. After clicking Tools/Randomisation... a sub menu comes up providing the following options:

Exchange Columns Exchange the columns of the data matrix
Exchange Rows Exchange the rows of the matrix

The random ordering is started by clicking the Do It button. Please note, that the reordering process may take a while for large data matrices.

ATTENTION! The only way to revert to the original data is to reload the data from the disk. So, if you want to be sure that the data can be restored in the original order, perform the command File/Save before issuing a Randomisation command.