DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

Updating DataLab

Command: Setup -> Update DataLab...

DataLab provides a simple but efficient update mechanism, which keeps the latest version of DataLab just one mouse click away. Simply click the command Setup/Update DataLab to find out whether there is a newer version of DataLab available. In order to see the list of the latest changes and improvements you have to click the Link "What's New?". Your Internet browser will open and connected you to the corresponding DataLab Web page.

After contacting the update server DataLab will show you the files which have to be replaced. In order to start the actual updating process click the Update button. Depending on your connectivity and on your current version of DataLab the updates may require from a few seconds to several minutes.

Hint: You need to have administrator rights in order to be able to successfully complete the update (see also Tips & Tricks)