DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

Keyboard Shortcuts

In order to be able to minimize the usage of the mouse when entering text, the user may optionally(1) use the following keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut Effect
^A move the caret back to the beginning of the current word (or the previous word, if the caret is already at the first character of a word)
^C scroll down one page
^D move the caret one character right
^E caret one line up
^F move the caret right to the beginning of the next word
^G delete the character right of the caret
^N insert an empty line
^QD move the caret to the end of the line
^QC move the caret to he beginning of the text
^QR move the caret to he end of the text
^QS move the caret to the first character of the line
^R scroll up one page
^S move the caret one character left
^T delete all characters between the current position of the caret and the beginning of the next word
^V toggle switch between "insert" and "overwrite"
^W scroll the entire page one line down
^X caret one line down
^Y delete current line
^Z scroll the entire page one line up

(1) In order to activate the keyboard shortcuts the option "Use classic keyboard short cuts in text editors" of the general program settings has to be ticked off.