DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

Open Matrix Clipboard

Command: Clipboard -> Open Matrix Clipboard...

Before you can copy any data back from the clipboard to the data matrix, you have to select the rows or columns to be copied by clicking into the corresponding headings. Clicking the heading of a marked row/column a second time unmarks this row/column. In order to mark the entire matrix, you can right click the matrix and select the command Mark all Cells from the context menu.

There are three commands available to copy data back from the clipboard to the main matrix:

Append Col Appending marked columns of the clipboard to the original data matrix. This command is only performed if the number of rows of the particular clipboard matrix equals the number of rows of the data matrix.
Append Row Appending marked rows of the clipboard to the original data matrix. This command is only performed if the number of columns of the particular clipboard matrix equals the number of columns of the data matrix.
Replace Replacing the current data matrix by the marked parts of the active clipboard page.