DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

Matrix Clipboard

Command: Matrix Clipboard ->

The command Matrix Clipboard provides some means to store the data matrix or parts of it in one of eight auxiliary matrices (similar to the Windows clipboard). The user may then process the original data matrix and copy parts of the auxiliary matrices back to the working data matrix. The command Clipboard provides eight independent containers which are capable of storing the whole information of a data matrix (including row and column headings).

When clicking Matrix Clipboard the user has the following options:

Load Data Matrix from Clipboard loads one of the stored matrices from the clipboard into the DataLab data matrix
Store in Clipboard stores data in the clipboard
Work with Clipboard allows you to select and copy data from the clipboard
Clear Clipboard... deletes all but the master matrix

Hint: The Clipboard command of DataLab does not use the Windows clipboard, it uses an internal clipboard instead.