Example: |
As an example, the signal shown below has been generated from three Gaussian peaks, having the following parameters (the length of the Signal array was set to 101):
Position |
Width |
Intensity |
Peak 1: |
20.0 |
8.0 |
1.0 |
Peak 2: |
44.0 |
7.0 |
0.7 |
Peak 3: |
60.0 |
10.0 |
1.5 |
The following code snippet was used to generate the signal shown above:
Data : TDoubleArray;
PeakDef : TPeakParamsList;
SetLength (Data, 101); // create signal vector
SetLength (PeakDef,3); // peak parameters
PeakDef[0][1] := 20; // peak 1
PeakDef[0][2] := 8;
PeakDef[0][3] := 1.00;
PeakDef[1][1] := 44; // peak 2
PeakDef[1][2] := 7;
PeakDef[1][3] := 0.70;
PeakDef[2][1] := 60; // peak 3
PeakDef[2][2] := 10;
PeakDef[2][3] := 1.50;
CreateGaussianPeaks (PeakDef, Data);