DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration: SetSystemParams (MakePermanent: boolean; Parameters: string): integer;
Sets various system parameters. You can make the new settings of the specified parameters permanent by setting the parameter MakePermanent to TRUE. If MakePermanent is FALSE, the changes will be effective only until the next restart of DataLab.

The parameters are specified by means of the parameter string Parameters. More than one parameter can be set at once. The parameters are to be specfied according to the following syntax:

PName = PValue[,PValue2[,PValue3[,....]]]

where PName is the name of the parameter and PValue is the associated value. If more than one parameter is to be set, the individual parameter assignments have to be separated by semicolons, several values for a particular parameter have to be separated by commas:

PName1=PValue1; PName2=PValue2; PName3=PValue3;....

The following parameters are currently supported:

Name of parameter Value(s) Explanation
CloseOnEscape boolean If this option is set TRUE you can close the form which has the focus by pressing the <ESC> key.
DefWinSize integer, integer Controls the default size of the plot window (i.e. when a new plot window is opened). This parameter has two values, the first is the width and the second is the height of the window (in pixels).
DesktopColor [integer][hex] Determines the color of the program desktop. You can specify the color either as decimal integer or as hexdecimal RGB value. Hexadecimal values must begin with a dollar character.
OpenWinAutoDropDown boolean This option allows to switch on/off the automatic dropdown of the list of open windows when the mouse moves over the list box. See the section on general preferences for details.

The function returns the following error codes:

 0 ... OK, done
-1 ... unknown parameter
-2 ... invalid parameter value
-3 ... parameter string is too long
-4 ... missing assignment

Example: The following statement sets the "close on <ESC> option" and switches off the automatic drop down of the open windows list box and sets the default plot window size to 500x350 pixesl, the changes are not made permanent:
SetSystemParams (false, 'CloseOnEscape=true; OpenWinAutoDropDown=false; DefWinSize=500,350');