DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


Declaration: ChartBook.Tables[].ColumnCheckMode [ColNr: integer]: TCheckMode;
The property ColumnCheckMode controls whether and how a particular column of the table is displayed as a "checkable" column. The parameter ColNr specifies the number of the column (valid range: 1..NrOfColumns).

ColumnCheckMode may be set to the following values:

cmNone The column is not checkable, no check box is displayed
cmBox The rows of the column can be ticked off in multiple ways (each row can be ticked off individually).
cmRadio Only one row of the column can be ticked off (radio button functionality).

The following figure shows a table with three columns (filled with random text). The ColumnCheckMode property of the first column is set to cmBox, the second column is cmNone, and the third column is set to cmRadio.


Hint: Columns which display check boxes should always be non-editable (set ColumnEditable [ColNr] to FALSE).