DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

Apply an kNN Model

Command: Math -> Memory Based Learner (KNN) -> Apply Model

In order to apply a kNN-model to unknown data some prerequisites must be met. DataLab assumes that the variables used in the model match the variables of the unknown data. This is ensured by comparing the names of the variables of the model and of the unknown dataset. If no match can be established, DataLab issues a warning.

After clicking the command Math/Memory Based Learner (KNN)/Apply Model, the user has to select the previously stored model (file extension .mbl). Thereafter DataLab displays the most important parameters of the chosen model and the user has to select the target where the results of the model should be stored. You can store it directly in the data matrix, append it to the matrix (recommended), or store it in the matrix clipboard. Care should be taken not to overwrite an input variable of the kNN model, since this would prohibit any further application of the kNN model to the dataset.