DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....

DLabPascal - Special Data Types [M]

In addition to the standard data types of DLabPascal the scripting engine provides several predefined data types which are specifically needed in some function calls.

Declaration Explanation & Details
TMaskCombination = (mcAND, mcOR); Defines the possible logical combinations of bit masks; see CombineMasks
TMaskOp = (moCopy, moAdd, moRemove, moInvert); Declares the mode of operation of the MaskByThreshold function.
TMatlab4DatFormat = (mtl4dfDouble,
mtl4dfSingle, mtl4dfInt32, mtl4dfInt16,
mtl4dfUInt16, mtl4dfUInt8);
Declares the numeric data types supported by MatLab
TMatlab4NumFormat = (mtl4nfLittleEndian,
mtl4nfBigEndian, mtl4nfVAXDFloat,
mtl4nfVAXGFloat, mtl4nfCray);
Declares the types of binary number formats supported by MatLab
TMBLDistMode = (mblDistEuclid, mblDistManhattan, mblDistMahalanobis); Declares the distance type used for calculating the nearest neighbors in an MBL model. See property DistMode for more.
TMBLLocalModel = (mblLMAverage, mblLMWgtGauss,
mblLMMajority, mblLMRegress);
Declares the types of local models to be utilized in an MBL model. See property LocalModel for more.
TMBLScalingMode = (mblUnscaled, mblStandardized); Declares the type of data scaling in an MBL model. See property ScalingMode for more.
TMBLVarType = (mblVarIgnore, mblVarIndep, mblVarTarget); Declares the variable types in an MBL model. See property VarType for more.
TModeDisp = (mdLines, mdSymbols, mdLinSpec, mdReserved, mdClassLiness); Declares the modes of display in a diagram window. See property ModeDisp for more.
TMorphKernelType = (mktSquare, mktSpade, mktCircle); Declares the types of supported morphological kernels.
TMouseActMode = (maNone, maPan,
maPanHoriz, maPanVert, maPanGrid,
maRubberBand, maZoom, maZoomWind,
maZoomWindPos, maZoomDrag, maDragCrossH,
maDragLabel, maRotate, maRotAndZoom,
maRotXOnly, maRotZOnly, maSelectRect,
maDrawMTrace, maZoomPanColors);
The type definition TMouseActMode declares the possible mouse actions (please note that not all defined mouse actions are available within Chartbook):

maNone no special action at all
maPan panning the map window
maPanHoriz panning the map window only in horizontal direction
maPanVert panning the map window only in vertical direction
maPanGrid panning the map window along the grid; the shifting distance matches the grid defined by PanGridDx and PanGridDy
maRubberBand displaying a rubberband from the position of the last mouse click to the current mouse position
maSelectRect displaying a rectangular rubberband frame for selection purposes
maZoom zooming into a rectangular region of the data
maZoomWind zooming into a rectangular region of the data
maZoomWindPos zooming into a rectangular region of the data (with automatic correction of axis direction).
maZoomDrag zooming in and out by dragging the mouse
maDragCrossH drag the visible crosshairs
maDragLabel drag the user defined text labels
maRotAndZoom a combination of maRotate and maZoom.
maRotate rotate the data without restriction
maRotXOnly rotate around X-axis
maRotZOnly rotate around Z-axis
maDrawMTrace record the trace of the mouse
maZoomPanColors zoom and pan color scales

TMScaleType = (stUnknown, stNominal,
stOrdinal, stInterval, stRatio);
Declares the level of measurement of a variable (= column of the data table).
TMsgDlgBtn = (mbYes, mbNo, mbOK,
mbCancel, mbAbort, mbRetry, mbIgnore,
mbAll, mbNoToAll, mbYesToAll,
mbHelp, mbClose);
Defines the different types of buttons available in MessageDlg
TMsgDlgButtons = set of TMsgDlgBtn; Declares the set of buttons used in MessageDlg.
TMsgDlgType = (mtWarning, mtError,
mtInformation, mtConfirmation, mtCustom);
Defines the different types of the dialog types used in MessageDlg.