DataLab is a compact statistics package aiming at exploratory data analysis. Please visit the DataLab Web site for more information....


The command Setup lets you set up the most important parameters of DataLab. After clicking the command Setup you have the following choices:

Preferences... General default operating parameters, such as the precision of exports, the precision of the numeric data editor, the default width and height of new data windows, etc.
Colors Setting up system colors.
Class Assignment Setting up class colors and class symbols.
Language... The working language of DataLab can be easily changed if the required translation file is available - DataLab comes with an English and a German user interface, by default (see the adaption of DataLab for more). Please note that the new language is available only after restarting DataLab. Some distributiuons of DataLab have a predefined language which cannot be changed. In this case the command is unavailable. The help file is always in English.
Update DataLab... DataLab can be updated at any time via Internet.
Activate License... This command can be used to activate a DataLab license. After the activation the evaluation copy turns into an unrestricted full version.
Remove License... This command can be used to remove a DataLab license (in the case you want to use DataLab on a different computer). After the removal of the license DataLab turns into the evaluation copy.