Release History
Die folgende Tabelle gibt einen Überblick zu den neuen Features, Verbesserungen und Korrekturen der letzten Versionen von Epina DataLab. Die neueste Release kann von der Downloadseite geladen werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Updates, die noch nicht in die letzte Major Release eingeflossen sind, über den automatischen Updatemechanismus geladen werden können (vgl. auch die Liste der neuesten Änderungen).
Release 5.200 [2023-09-07] |
New Features
Improvements and Changes
- extended the script meta tags by #PROGNAME and implemented language dependent analysis of meta tags (DLabPascal/Python)
- a context sensitive command in the MBL tool now allows marking the nearest neighbors of a particular data object
- improved help look-up table
- redefined default class colors
- the save dialog now shows the target directory
- the variable repository now shows the number of variables per set, and the name of set can be edited
- extended GUI for creating cross terms
- improved integration tool: now the integration range can be shifted and zoomed into
- implemented the capability to mark data within the 3D rotation tool
- the commands "Edit > Data > Delete > Unmarked Rows/Columns" allows deleting all rows/columns which are not marked
- the variable selection has been streamlined and unified throughout all tools of DataLab
- added Akaike information criterion to the MLR results
- simulated annealing provides now the cooling rate as a user-setable parameter in the GUI, the found models are now sorted acc. to the F value
- the Kohonen Map now supports the marking of data and the data point symbols can now be set by the user
- Python related changes:
- sklearn and skops are now required Python packages
- the transfer of DStore data to Python and vice versa now takes care of NaNs and sets the corresponding numpy array cell to np.nan
- the pathes of WorkDir, ScratchDir and DataFName are now available in Python, as well
- new functions in DLabPascal: AddVarSetToRepos, DeleteVarSetOfRepos, Copy1Dto2DArray, coutDTab, FillInt2DArraySerial, CreateMaskShape, FillMatrixRix, GetPythonInfo, GetVarSetFromRepos, SizeVarSetRepos, LoadMatrixBin, SaveMatrixBin, CopyDataFromVector, RemoveMarkedColumns, RemoveUnmarkedColumns, RemoveMarkedRows, RemoveUnmarkedRows
- DLabPascal improvements and extensions:
- implemented debugger support for the class TRndForest
- DLabPascal code completion lacked a lot of type declarations
- FillMatrixRix and FillVectorRix extended by a difference parameter and renamed to Fill2DArraySerial and Fill1DArraySerial
- the method ExecutePyScript now provides user-defined matrices MatX and MatY instead of indices into the main matrix
- added a "freeze box" to the gcNumIO component in the input dialog window (see ConfigDlgComponent for details)
- new properties/methods of class TDataTable: DuplicateDataAsArray and NumericData
- TDataTable.CopyDataTo2DArray and TDataTable.CopyDataToMatrix offer now more parameters
- additional methods for class TMatrix: CopyColTo1DArray, CopyRowTo1DArray, CopyFrom2DArray, CopyFrom1DArray, CopyTo2DArray, DuplicateDataAsArray, FillSerial and MultiplyVector
- TMatrix.CopyColToVec and TMatrix.CopyRowToVec now allow copying data into any vector position
- new events of TMatrix: OnCalcDistance and OnSortExchange
- TMatrix.MakeValidColRange, TMatrix.MakeValidRowRange and TVector.MakeValidElemRange provide now an error code as function return value
- additional methods for class TMat4D: MakeValidColRange, MakeValidRowRange, MakeValidLayerRange, MakeValidTSlotRange and FillSerial
- new methods and events of TVector: CopyFrom2DArrayColumn, CopyFrom2DArrayRow, CopyTo2DArray, Changed, OnChange, and OnSortExchange
- many smaller improvements and bug fixes
Release 4.950 [2023-01-10] |
New Features
Improvements and Changes
- improved code completion for the classes TVector and TDataTable
- all multivariate methods now support copy & paste of variables
- DataLab now supports nominal IDs starting from zero (instead of 1)
- the statistical test tool now offers the Bartlett test, as well
- the numeric data editor supports now the random selection of cells
- implemented the Theil-Sen estimator in the simple linear regression module
- improved license handling
- MBL (KNN) shows now the RMS of the residuals in the k-trace plot
- simulated annealing for MLR variable selection improved
- the variable repository is now accessible via the main menu
- new functions in DLabPascal: BartlettTest, ClassScatterMatrices, CopyDataFromMatrix, CopyTextFromClipboard, CopyTextToClipboard, CopyToArrayColumn, CopyToArrayRow, CopyFromVec, coutMat, coutVec,
CreateIndicatorVars, Determinant, EigenDecomposition, ExecutePyScript, FillRandomNormal, FindCells, GiniCoeff, InvertMatrix, IsConstantColumn, IsConstantRow, IsMonotone, IsStrictlyMonotone, LUdecomposition, LUPdecomposition, MatrixMult, MeanAbsDevVector, MeanCenterColumnsOfMatrix, MeanCenterRowsOfMatrix, MultiClassLDA, NormalizeColumns, NormalizeRows, PermuteMatrix, ReadStringFromTextFile, ReciprocalMatrix, ReciprocalVector, ReplaceControlChars, RescaleMatrix, RescaleVector, RMSDiff, SliceCol, SliceRow, TheilSenEstimator
- new classes in DLabPascal: TBitFld, TMatrix, TFrmPLS
- the class TCurveFit has been extended: CalcRegModel, CPXShift, Evaluate, FitQual, ModelPar, PolyOrder, Predict, Residual, StdDevResid
Release 4.500 [2022-03-21] |
New Features
- DataLab now supports favorites to make the loading of often files more convenient
- a new tool allows creating a regular raster over a subspace of variables
Improvements and Changes
- added additional buttons in numerical editor to navigate to all four corners of the table
- the FFT analysis tool can now be used as a filter as well
- implemented the Siegel-Tukey test
- added an additional status message during startup (displayed in the splash screen)
- scratch directory is checked for correctness and plausibility to avoid unwanted deletions of files
- new classes are available in DLabPascal: TFtpConnection, TRndForest, TMatClipBd
- various new routines to access the Windows registry via DLabPascal: DeleteRegKey, DeleteRegValue, GetAllRegSubkeys, GetAllRegValueNames, GetRegValue, GetRegValueAsBoolean, GetRegValueAsDouble, GetRegValueAsInt, RegKeyExists, RegValueExists, SetRegValue
- new functions in DLabPascal: BinomSignTest, ChartBook.Resize, DecodeDateTime, GetFavorites, IsDichotomousColumn, NumDialog, PerformSiegelTukeyTest, RandomFillIntArray, RemoveCharInString, RemoveControlChars, ReplaceCharInString, ScanFPNum, SetFavorites, CopyColumnFrom, TextDialog, ImportCSVFile, ResampleMatrix, CalcAndTestSkewness, CalcAndTestKurtosis
Release 4.200 [2021-08-08] |
New Features
Improvements and Changes
- implemented Levene's test for testing the heteroscedasticity of the univariate regression residuals
- implemented Tukey windowing in FFT
- the number of remembered loaded files has been increased to 24
- the contingency analysis tool now calculates the Yates correction of Pearson's chi2 as well
- columns and rows can now be deleted in the matrix viewer as well
- the univariate regression tool now allows to display date/time values
- replaced the forum link in the about box by the link to the DataLab Youtube channel
- PLS/DA and MBL classifier metrics can now be copied to the clipboard via the context command 'copy to clipboard'
- improved PLS/DA: cross validation is now much faster, the MCC is calculated during CV and the number of starting factors can now be set by the user
- new statistical functions in DLabPascal: Chi2OfContTab, Chi2OfContTabYates, CorrTest, PearsonCorrCoeff, Erf, ErfApprox, EstimateProbDensity, FisherExactTest, FisherTransform, FisherTransformInv, HyperGeoDistriDensity, GrubbsCriticalValues, GrubbsTest, KSPValue, KSQuantile, PerformKSNormalityTest, Prob2x2Contingency, RunsTest, RunsTestSerial
Release 4.100 [2021-04-08] |
New Features
Improvements and Changes
- changed colors of loadings in PCA biplots from blue to black with gray rays
- calendar tool to pick a TDateTime value via a calendar
- extended user interface of the Hierarchical Cluster Analysis window
- HCA now allows to select individual branches of the dendrogram zo assign a class to it
- HCA now provides a calculate button and starts the clustering only when clicking this button
- all diagrams now offer a Save Diagram to Disk command in the context menu to save the diagram as an image (BMP, PNG, JPG)
- improved 'Importing Complex Text Data' tool
- VIF tool can now sort the results columnwise
- new functions in DLabPascal:
BinomCoeff, BinomDistriDensity, BinomDistriIntegral, BinomDistriQuantile, CalcFishQ, Chi2DistriDensity, Chi2DistriIntegral, Chi2DistriQuantile, ConfidenceInterval, DeanDixonCriticalValues, DeanDixonTest, DurbinWatsonCrit5pct, DurbinWatsonTest, EncodeDateTime, FDistriDensity, FDistriIntegral, FDistriQuantile, IncompleteBeta, IncompleteGamma, LillieforsPValue, LillieforsQuantile, LnBeta, LnBinomCoeff, LnGamma, MedianTest, FDistriDensity, nDistriIntegral, nDistriQuantile, Perform1SampleChi2Test, Perform1SampleTTest, Perform2SampleTTest, PerformFTest, PerformLillieforsTest, PerformMannWhitneyUTest, ShapiroWilkIntegral, ShapiroWilkTest, nDistriDensity, tDistriIntegral, tDistriQuantile, UDistriDensity, UDistriIntegral , UDistriQuantile, VarInflatFactor, WilcoxonSignedRankTest
Release 4.000 [2021-02-05] |
New Features
- DLabPascal now provides an integrated debugger
- several extensions of the built-in DLabPascal library
- signal integration tool
- a tool for calculating binary classifier metrics
- new statistical test: median test
Improvements and Changes
- Wilcoxon test report now displays the median of the differences as well
- redesigned random forest form
- a variable set repository makes the selection of variables much more convenient
- the RF applicator has now an option to create binary results for classifiers
- the PLS Applicator now shows the CF thresholds and allows to store the results in the aux. maxtrix or append it to the data matrix
- the data editor now supports ^C and ^V for copy and paste (instead of 'extract from clipboard')
- refurbished k-means clustering
- RBF network extended
- PLS/DA now displays more classifier metrics (same as MBL)
- numerical editor: row names are now displayed using a much longer maximal length; two additional fonts (Tahoma, Verdana) included
- MLR and Ridge Regression diagrams provide now more plot options
- memory based learner improved in many details
- refurbished Kohonen map
- improved edit/selection mode in data description window
- additional performance metrics for RF classifiers
- formula editor now uses the ° symbol as cell reference
- class color setup dialog now supports saving and loading color palettes
- the default class color palette has been improved
Release < 4.000 |
Release history of versions before release 4.000 has been deleted for brevity |